Category Archives: Community Events
Midwest Oloshas United’s World Peace & Healing Events
Community Ana in Honor of Obatala to pray for world peace
Babalu Aye Agban

Living With The Orisha Aganjú
(author unknown)
A serene and quiet atmosphere enveloped the evening when the Diaspora Cultural Center presented the Living with the Orishas roundtable focused on Aganjú. The Master of Ceremonies for the event was DCC President Miguel Ramos. He introduced the three panelists:
Jose Travieso, Maggie Acosta, and Emy Martínez. Each had taken a different direction in their journey toward initiation, but the depth of their feelings about their relationship with Aganjú was identically profound. Continue reading
Beading Seminar
The Diaspora Cultural Center held another beading class for adults. Conducted by Master beadworker Mannolie Disantos, the class learned techniques on how to make fantastic creations from beads. The end results were one-of–a-kind masterpieces. We would like to thank Ms. Disantos for the dedication of her time to teach the students the intricacies of beadwork. The following are some of the magnificent pieces made by the students of Ms. Disantos.

Living With The Orisha: Yemojá
contribution by Pedro Bonetti
This remains one of the liveliest of the roundtables. All the panelists seemed relaxed, and though they claimed they were nervous, they all seemed to want to talk about their experiences with Yemojá.
The panelists were Valerie Forbes, Bárbara Gutiérrez, Ezequiel González, Poppy Cioffi and his godson Reinol Montes De Oca. Ms. Forbes is originally from Jamaica, while the remainder of the panel were either Cuban-born or Cuban-Americans. Continue reading

For healing and peace in the world
Diaspora Cultural Center joins what will be an international movement to pray to the Divine for the welfare of mankind. During December, religious communities devoted to the orishas of several cities in the United States , like Mexico and Venezuela, two major events held to heal our communities while promoting world peace. Continue reading

Por la sanación y la paz del mundo
Diaspora Cultural Center se une a lo que será un movimiento internacional para rogarle a lo Divino por el bienestar de la humanidad. Durante el mes de diciembre, las comunidades religiosas devotos de los orishas de varias ciudades de los Estados Unidos, al igual que México y Venezuela, celebraran dos importantes eventos para sanar a nuestras comunidades a la vez que promovemos la paz del mundo. Continue reading